Navigating Family Law
Fertility Law in Canada is Changing: Understanding the Legal Impacts
Fifteen years after the Assisted Human Reproduction Act was introduced, Health Canada has finally released the long-awaited regulations under the Act regarding the reimbursement of surrogates and donors. The new regulations come into force on June 9, 2020.
Family Law BC: What is a JCC and why do I need one?
Clients in Vancouver family law cases often have questions about the JCC and FCC process. Here are some answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.
Parenting and practice note 7: getting a psychologist involved
In any parenting dispute during a divorce or separation, the Court’s main focus is on deciding what is in the best interest of the Children. In some cases of high conflict, the Court may require the assistance of a trained professional Parenting Expert.
Crossroads Law is celebrating 2 years!
It is hard to believe, but Crossroads Law has now been providing family law help in Vancouver and Calgary for two years. We are now six family lawyers strong and expanding into other areas including wills and estates and fertility law.
How to Get Ready for Your Consultation with a Family Lawyer.
Family law matters can be complicated, emotional and traumatic. If you are contemplating separation or divorce, you should consult with a Vancouver family lawyer about the different options that may be available to you, and the process for each option.
Crossroads Law is very excited to introduce their newest team member
Crossroads Law is very excited to introduce their newest team member, Melissa Salfi. Melissa’s practice is devoted to Family Law as well as Fertility Law.
B.C. Prenuptial Agreements: Worthless if Not Fair
One of the main concerns when drafting a prenuptial agreement or cohabitation agreement in British Columbia is the issue of fairness. This is because to be enforceable in British Columbia a prenuptial agreement must meet the test for fairness.
Divorce and Dower Rights in Alberta
Going through a divorce can create a number of issues that were never expected. Spousal support, child support, the division of matrimonial property and custody of children are generally areas that are known to those contemplating divorce or separation.
Precedent-setting ruling nets client $331,000 from ex-spouse
The spouse had siphoned hundreds of thousands of dollars from a family business during their marriage to fuel a gambling habit, court documents show.
Hidden Assets During Divorce
One of the most important steps in any separation or divorce is the disclosure process. Before the parties can determine how to divide matrimonial debts and assets, both sides need a complete understanding of what those debts and assets are.