Family Law Blog

Navigating Family Law with Our Vancouver BC and Calgary AB Lawyers

Navigating Family Law 


Do I have to share my inheritance after divorce?

Due to the changing demographics in British Columbia, inheritances are becoming a more frequent issue in family law cases. This is especially so in jurisdictions like Vancouver and Victoria where an inheritance can be substantial as a result of high real estate prices.

Is human reproductive material “property” at law?

In recent years Canadian courts have been asked to consider whether human gametes (sperm and ova) and embryos should be treated as property at law, and whether they should be subject to division upon separation or divorce just like other family assets.

Brief Conflict Intervention: a free resource for Alberta parenting disputes

The Alberta Courts have established a number of resources that parties going through a separation or divorce can engage in to assist in avoiding litigation and resolve disputes.

The unintended consequences of Canada’s fertility law changes

Canada is considered an international surrogacy destination, with progressive laws that have attracted couples internationally.

How to Choose a Better Jurisdiction for a Prenuptial Agreement

When people move from one province to another, or even from one country to another, it can create issues for the enforcement of a prenuptial agreement or cohabitation agreement.

How to Resolve A Family Law Case? Mediation or Mediation/Arbitration?

One of the main goals of meeting with a family lawyer is to figure out how you can “be done” with the divorce process and reach a settlement. One of the most often used tools to reach a settlement are mediation or mediation-arbitration.

Crossroads Law Successful at Court of Appeal defending $25,000 Costs from Arbitration

We are pleased to announce our recent victory at the Alberta Court of Appeal in which we successfully defended an appeal of a $25,000 costs award from an arbitration decision in a family law case.

Fertility Law in Canada is Changing: Understanding the Legal Impacts

Fifteen years after the Assisted Human Reproduction Act was introduced, Health Canada has finally released the long-awaited regulations under the Act regarding the reimbursement of surrogates and donors. The new regulations come into force on June 9, 2020. 

Family Law BC: What is a JCC and why do I need one?

Clients in Vancouver family law cases often have questions about the JCC and FCC process. Here are some answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

Parenting and practice note 7: getting a psychologist involved

In any parenting dispute during a divorce or separation, the Court’s main focus is on deciding what is in the best interest of the Children. In some cases of high conflict, the Court may require the assistance of a trained professional Parenting Expert.