Family Law Blog

Navigating Family Law with Our Vancouver BC and Calgary AB Lawyers

Navigating Family Law 


Getting Rid of Your Ex’s Stuff and the Liability of Doing So Upon Relationship Breakdown

Often when individuals are in the midst of a relationship breakdown, or are growing weary of a protracted separation, they can make impulsive decisions about the shared and/or personal property of their ex-partner that is in their possession.

Mediation Checklist for Divorce

In real estate, it’s ‘location, location, location’. In divorce mediation, it’s ‘preparation, preparation, preparation’.

What is Parental Alienation and How Do You Assess It?

A family breakdown can cause a child to reject a parent while developing strong alignment with the other parent following separation.

The Perfect Valentine’s Gift – An Engagement and a Pre-nup?

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, many couples will be celebrating by getting engaged.

Six Essential Tips When Divorcing a Narcissist

Divorcing a narcissist can be very difficult as the process can become highly conflictual even if you are attempting to settle outside of court.

What happens when parents disagree on vaccinating their kids against COVID-19?

A serious but overlooked consequence of COVID-19 has been its effect on separated or divorced parents who disagree on vaccinating their kids.

What are the different ways to settle a Divorce?

There are essentially two ways to resolve all matters between spouses: reaching an agreement, or having a decision imposed by a third party.

How to choose the best divorce mediator

Choosing a mediator is a difficult decision. If you speak to any family lawyer, they will have different opinions on the attributes and skills of a divorce mediator.

Crossroads Law is pleased to announce that lawyer David Kim has joined our Calgary office

David is a family lawyer and civil litigator who also has a background in real estate law.

How To Appeal A Provincial Court Order In British Columbia

You went to trial in a family law case in the Provincial Court of British Columbia and received a final order. You think the trial judge made a mistake and the order needs to be set aside or changed in some way.