Family Law Blog

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Viewing Posts Categorized "Divorce and Separation"

How Do I Get An Annulment in B.C?

We are often asked about how to obtain an annulment for a short-term marriage, however, there seems to be a common misconception that the duration of the marriage is what allows a person to obtain an annulment.

Can I Get a Separation Agreement during COVID-19?

With the rapidly evolving developments surrounding COVID-19, many people are worried about the impact the pandemic will have on their separation and divorce.

Six Things to Know During the Alberta Family Court Closure due to COVID-19

On March 15, 2020, Alberta Courts announced a suspension of sittings, effective immediately. Except for a few very limited exceptions, the Court will not be hearing any family law matters.

How Can I Make my Divorce Less Stressful: Tips From a Family Lawyer

Research tells us that divorce is the second most stressful event that can occur in a person’s life.

What Are Court Costs and Who Gets Them in a Divorce Case?

In family law and Divorce litigation, you can be awarded “costs”, also known as “court costs” if you are successful in court.

Court of Appeal Agrees: Husband Found in Contempt and Pays $10,000 in costs

Another Court of Appeal win for Crossroads Law. Family lawyers Marcus Sixta and Amanda Marsden were successful in defending against an appeal of a $10,000 costs award paid to our client, the former wife in a divorce case.

How to Deal With High Conflict Co-parenting

Generally, having a child with another person means that you are going to have a relationship with that person for the rest of your life. In some cases, this relationship can be difficult as it may be a high conflict parenting relationship. 

What do I need to do when I separate?

Deciding to separate from a spouse or partner is a difficult decision and one that people should not take lightly. Once the decision is made, our clients often do not know what to do next. The following are some things to consider if you have decided to separate from your partner.

What is Collaborative Divorce and is it right for you?

Collaborative Divorce in Vancouver, also known as Collaborative Practice or Collaborative Law, is a voluntary and private dispute resolution process in which the parties commit to settling their matter outside of Court.

Family Law in Provincial Court or Supreme Court? Where should I go?

Most people who are getting separated or divorced are dealing with family law issues for the first time. It can be a confusing and daunting task to navigate the family law court registry.