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Viewing Posts Categorized "Child Support"

Child Support – The Ties That Bind

Child support is the right of the child, not the spouse who receives it. Prospectively paid month-to-month, and based on the Federal Child Support Guidelines correlated to the spouse’s income – typically Line 15000 of their tax return (formally, Line 150) – child support in most cases involves payment on the 1st of each month.

What is the Alberta Child Support Recalculation Program?

The Alberta Child Support Recalculation Program assists eligible parents who decide to use to the Program to recalculate their child support each year.

Can I get child support arrears when my child is over 19? Yes you can!

Sometimes child support is either not paid or underpaid and as a result arrears are owing that can be claimed in court or enforced by Maintenance Enforcement.

What can I do if my ex refuses to pay support?

So you have been to court, you got a court order and your ex-spouse still refuses to pay child support or spousal support. What can be done?

How is Child Support Calculated? Launch of Free Child Support Calculator

Child support is the regular payment that is made by one parent to another to support a child after separation or divorce.

How do I change child support paid to MEP during COVID 19?

The Alberta Maintenance Enforcement Program (“MEP”) is a provincial government program that is responsible for collecting court ordered child support and spousal support.

How Do I Change Child Support If I Lost My Job Due To Covid-19?

These unprecedented times have many parents wondering about their ongoing child support obligations or entitlements in light of mass layoffs, decreased earnings, and lost childcare options.

Judge orders vaccinations for two B.C. boys following parental dispute

A judge has taken the unusual step of granting a father permission to have his two young sons get routine vaccinations after the mother refused consent.

Family Law in Provincial Court or Supreme Court? Where should I go?

Most people who are getting separated or divorced are dealing with family law issues for the first time. It can be a confusing and daunting task to navigate the family law court registry.

Behind On Child Or Spousal Support? ICBC May Now Take Your Driver’s License.

Child support and spousal support are often awarded in family law proceedings. However, it is common for these amounts not to be paid as ordered by the court after separation or divorce.