Coach My Case: A Revolution in Legal Representation

When it comes to game planning, everyone knows the value of a great coach.

Soon, you will have one for all your legal needs.

For years, the number of self-represented litigants in the Canadian justice system has been on the rise. Statistics show that between 50% and 70% of family law cases involve at least one person with no choice but to represent themselves1, often because they don’t qualify for legal aid and cannot afford a lawyer. This has created a huge gap in access to justice as people earning between $20,000 and $70,000 per year may make too much for legal aid but not enough to hire professional legal representation.

We want to close that gap. And it starts with the December 2020 launch of a new and innovative legal business:

Coach My Case.

Everyone deserves access to justice, no matter where they are or how much they earn. At Coach My Case, we have designed our services to be flexible and to meet the needs of people who, for whatever reason, choose to represent themselves.

We offer two unique, cost-effective tiers of service to suit anyone’s budget: legal coaching with a lawyer, and legal navigation with a paralegal.

Legal coaching involves hiring a lawyer to assist you in the background while you represent yourself in court. The lawyer can help draft legal documents, provide legal advice, prepare research memos, or even give a crash course on how to present your case to a judge, all at a cost significantly lower than a traditional retainer.

Hiring a paralegal to assist as legal navigator provides you with services similar to legal coaching, but at a more affordable rate. A legal navigator can help with drafting and editing court documents, simplifying confusing court processes, commissioning documents and organizing your file so you are ready for court. Additionally, unlike other firms, all of our paralegals are trained and supervised by qualified lawyers to ensure you have the utmost confidence in our work.

At Coach My Case, we are driven to empower clients with whatever is required for their legal journey. And because we are 100% virtual, clients can access services anywhere in BC or Alberta through videoconferencing and cloud-based servers.

So, get the legal help you need to achieve a better outcome at a price you can afford.

Join the Coach My Case revolution and see justice prevail.


(Coach My Case launching in Alberta and British Columbia, December 2020)

1. and up to 74% according to the Department of Justice. 

The information contained in this blog is not legal advice and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject. The information provided in this blog is for informational purposes only.