Working with your Crossroads Law lawyer

Working with your Crossroads Law lawyer

Communication: Frequency, Methods, and Expectations 

Maintaining open and effective communication is a key element of a successful lawyer-client relationship, which is why we ask our clients to promptly inform us of any changes to their contact details - this includes addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses. Timely updating of this information ensures the smooth flow of communication between us. 

Lawyers often have demanding schedules filled with court appearances, meetings, and deadlines. As such, they may not always be immediately available to take calls. For this reason, we suggest email as the most efficient means of communication with our office. We also recommend including your lawyer's assistant in any email communications. Since they often manage the lawyer's schedule and key administrative tasks, they can help to ensure you receive prompt support, particularly if your lawyer is tied up or unable to respond immediately.

If a telephone or video call is needed, it is advisable to arrange this ahead of time with your lawyer or their assistant. By scheduling a designated time, you can ensure your lawyer's full attention is devoted to your concerns, and that they have the time allocated to thoroughly address all aspects of your case.

In the event of an urgent matter requiring immediate attention, please don't hesitate to reach out by phone. If your lawyer is unavailable at that moment, leave a voicemail or follow up with an email and they respond as soon as they can.

The frequency of communication between you and your lawyer depends on you, your lawyer, and your budget. It's advisable to discuss your communication expectations with your lawyer during your initial consultation. This helps to understand their communication style and sets clear expectations for how and when you should anticipate hearing from them. It is also important to note that, unless you have a flat fee or contingency fee arrangement, you will be billed for all the time your lawyer spends on your case. This includes all interactions - emails, phone calls, texts, meetings, and even the time spent preparing for those activities. If you have budget constraints or wish to minimize legal costs, we strongly encourage you to discuss this with your lawyer. For a comprehensive look at how we bill, visit our Billing FAQ.   

At Crossroads Law, your needs are our priority, and we're committed to keeping the lines of communication open to serve you best.

Confidentiality and Solicitor-Client Privilege 

Certain communications between solicitor and client are confidential - this confidentiality is known as the "solicitor/client privilege".  Because of solicitor-client privilege, you can give us all the facts relevant to your matter without fear that this information will become public.

The solicitor/client privilege is your privilege, not ours, so only you can waive it.

Not all solicitor/client communications are privileged. The privilege only arises when you (the client) provide information in confidence to get legal advice or services. Information you give us that is not privileged is treated as confidential. Our ethical rules define the limited circumstances in which confidential information can be disclosed.

If you have any questions about privilege or confidentiality, please reach out to us or your lawyer directly.