Should I have a lawyer attend mediation with me?

Should I have a lawyer attend mediation with me?

Whether or not to have a family lawyer attend family law mediation with you depends on your specific circumstances.

Here are some factors to consider when determining whether to have a lawyer attend mediation with you:

  • Your understanding of the legal process - If you are not familiar with the legal process and your rights, it may be beneficial to have a family lawyer present to advise you during the mediation sessions.
  • The complexity of your case - If your case is complex and involves significant assets or legal issues, it may be beneficial to have a family lawyer present to advise you on the legal implications of any agreements reached during mediation.
  • Your comfort level with negotiation - If you are not comfortable negotiating or do not feel confident in your ability to express your needs and interests, having a lawyer present can provide you with the support and guidance you need.
  • The presence of power imbalances - If there is a significant power imbalance between you and the other party, such as domestic violence, it may be beneficial to have a lawyer present to ensure that your rights are protected and you are not taken advantage of during the mediation process.
  • The availability of legal aid - If you don't have the means to afford a lawyer, it is always best to check if you qualify for legal aid.

In summary, whether or not to have a lawyer attend family law mediation with you depends on your specific circumstances. If you are not familiar with the legal process and your rights, if your case is complex and involves significant assets or legal issues, if you are not comfortable negotiating or if there is a significant power imbalance it may be beneficial to have a family lawyer with you in mediation.