How do I choose a family law arbitrator?

How do I choose a family law arbitrator?

Selecting the right family law arbitrator is an important first step in the arbitration process. The arbitrator, responsible for hearing the evidence and determining the case's outcome, renders a binding decision on all parties. This decision carries similar weight to a court order and is enforceable. Therefore, it's of utmost importance to choose an arbitrator who is not only qualified and impartial but also brings relevant experience in the specific area of law pertaining to your dispute.

Several factors should be considered when choosing an arbitrator:

  • Experience and qualifications - the arbitrator should have experience in family law and be knowledgeable about the legal issues relevant to your dispute. They should also have professional qualifications, such as a law degree or certification in arbitration.
  • Impartiality - the arbitrator should be impartial and should not have any conflicts of interest in the case.
  • Availability - the arbitrator should be available to schedule the arbitration at a time that is convenient for all parties.
  • Communication skills - the arbitrator should have good communication skills and be able to explain the process clearly and concisely.
  • Cost - the cost of the arbitration will vary depending on the arbitrator's experience and qualifications. Though the arbitration process is often faster and less costly, it can still be pricey. So, it is important to consider the arbitrator’s rate, retainer, and any other associated costs before making a decision.

At Crossroads Law, we have experienced, qualified arbitrators who are available to assist with your family law arbitration needs. Committed to impartiality and effective communication, our arbitrators are here to help ensure a fair and efficient arbitration process. Reach out to us today to book a free 30-minute arbitration consultation.